Software related to single pulse searching for the HTRU North survey


+How to push to gitlab from user "pulsar" to your personal portal ssh-key
+The easy way...

Always include -A flag with ssh

Once on the machine with pulsar user, run this ssh command:

ssh -T git@gitlab.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de

If it returns with...
Welcome to GitLab, Your Name!

then all is good. If it says your Amit (unless you're actually Amit), then all
is not well and read more detailed instructions below.

+The complicated way...

1) You need to initialize ssh forwarding. 
From the computer you will use to log into portal type, 

laura@krpc146: ssh -A lspitler@portal

2) Now check if there are ssh identies:

ssh-add -l

If the result is the following...

The agent has no identities.

...then you need to add it by running...

lspitler@portal:~$ ssh-add

Enter passphrase for /homes/lspitler/.ssh/id_rsa: 
Identity added: /homes/lspitler/.ssh/id_rsa (/homes/lspitler/.ssh/id_rsa)

3) Now you can ssh into numerix0, forwarding the authentications:

ssh -A pulsar@numerix0

4) Check that it worked:
pulsar@numerix0: ssh-add -l

2048 66:e2:7b:32:df:42:3b:d8:d0:53:ef:3b:ac:99:a1:37
/homes/lspitler/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)

numerix0:~> ssh -T git@gitlab.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
Welcome to GitLab, Laura Spitler!