
Timed signal generator compiler



How to install the timed signal generator compiler library and executable:

  • install the rncore library (git@gitlab.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de:mhein/rncore.git at https://gitlab.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/mhein/rncore)

  • get the source code (git@gitlab.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de:mhein/tsg.git at https://gitlab.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/mhein/tsg)

  • go to the src directory

  • type 'cmake .', you may want to set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and/or CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, you need to set the path to the rncore library by using -DRNC_DIR= (same as CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX during installing rncore)

  • type 'make'

  • type 'make install'


The 'tsgCompiler' command will take a source file written in a DSL and translates it into an opcode which can be loaded into a timed signal generator CPU.

The syntax of that DSL is described in the file 'src/syntax.txt'.


The 'tsgSimulator' command wil take a source file written in a SL and translates it into a simulation setup. This setup contains one/many templates which are used in nodes to specify a imulation network. An example of such a setup is given in 'test'test_sim1.sns' file which uses the source code in 'test/test_sensor.tsg' to simulate a sensor and the source code in 'test/test_counter.tsg' defines a simple counter which counts the signals from the sensor and puts them into an output register. The changes of both signals are written as output of the simulator which follows the syntax of a VCD file.

The command for executing the simulation is:

'tsgSimulator -I../include -nticks 20000000 -n test_sim1.sns > test_sim1.vcd'