eff_osmose.py 3.91 KB
title = "Osmose"
tip = "applies parallactic angle rotation to U and Q"
onein = False

import numpy as np
import nodastro
RAD = np.pi/180

from guidata.qt.QtGui import QMessageBox
from guidata.dataset.datatypes import DataSet
from guidata.dataset.dataitems import (IntItem, StringItem, ChoiceItem, FloatItem, BoolItem)
from guiqwt.config import _

class NOD3_App:

    def __init__(self, parent):
        self.parent = parent

    def compute_app(self, **args):
        class FuncParam(DataSet):
            FacU = IntItem('FacU', default=1, max=1, min=-1)
            FacQ = IntItem('FacQ', default=1, max=1, min=-1)
            IAngle = FloatItem('IAngle', default=0.0)
            Aver = BoolItem("Average I1 and I2", default=False)
        name = title.replace(" ", "")
        if args == {}:
           param = FuncParam(_("Osmose"), "Reads in U and Q map and corrects for parallactic angle rotation.\nFacU: -1 or 1\nFacQ: -1 or 1\nIAngle: Instrumental Angle")
           param = self.parent.ScriptParameter(name, args)

        # if no parameter needed set param to None. activate next line
        self.parent.compute_11(name, lambda m, p: self.function(m, p), param, onein) 

    def Error(self, msg):
        QMessageBox.critical(self.parent.parent(), title,
                              _(u"Error:")+"\n%s" % str(msg))

    def function(self, ms, p):
        if len(ms) < 4:
           self.Error("I1, I2, U* and Q* maps are needed")
           return [], None
        elif len(ms) > 4:
           self.Error("Exactly one set of I1, I2, U* and Q* maps are needed")
           return [], None
        I1 = None
        I2 = None
        U = None
        Q = None
        for m in ms:
            if not "MAPTYPE" in m.header:
            #if not "MAPTYPE" in m.header:
               self.Error("MAPTYPE  (I,U,Q) not specified in header")
               return [], None
               if not m.header["MAPTYPE"][0] in ('I', 'U', 'Q'):
                  self.Error("MAPTYPE  (I,U,Q) not specified in header")
                  return [], None
               if m.header["MAPTYPE"] == "I1": I1 = m
               if m.header["MAPTYPE"] == "I2": I2 = m
               if m.header["MAPTYPE"] == "U": U = m
               if m.header["MAPTYPE"] == "Q": Q = m
        if type(I1) == type(None) or type(I2) == type(None)  or type(U) == type(None)  or type(Q) == type(None) :
           self.Error("one ore more of MAPTYPE (I,U,Q) are not specified in header")
           return [], None
        def parmat(p):
            return np.array([[np.cos(p), -np.sin(p)], [np.sin(p), np.cos(p)]]) 
        ly, lx = U.parmap.shape
        na = nodastro.nodtrafo(m.header['DATE_OBS'])
        if 'CROTA2' in m.header: rot = m.header['CROTA2']
        #if 'CROTA2' in m.header: rot = m.header['CROTA2']
        else: rot = 0.0
        if 'EPOCH' in m.header: equinox = m.header['EPOCH']
        #if 'EPOCH' in m.header: equinox = m.header['EPOCH']
        else: equinox = None
        coord = m.header['CTYPE1']
        for j in range(ly):
            b = m.header['CRVAL2'] + (j-m.header['CRPIX2'])*m.header['CDELT2']
            for i in range(lx):
                l = m.header['CRVAL1'] + (i-m.header['CRPIX1'])*m.header['CDELT1']
                omega = na.getPosAng(l, b, rot, coord, equinox)
                eta = (p.IAngle -U.parmap[j][i] - omega)*RAD*2
                U.data[j][i], Q.data[j][i] = np.dot(parmat(eta),
                                           [p.FacU*U.data[j][i], p.FacQ*Q.data[j][i]]) 

        if p.Aver:
           I1.data = (I1.data + I2.data)/2 
           I1.header['MAPTYPE'] = 'I'
           if "EXTNAME" in I1.header:
           #if "EXTNAME" in I1.header:
              extname = I1.header["EXTNAME"]
              extname = extname.replace("1", "")
           I1.header["EXTNAME"] = (extname, "Name of image extension")
           return [I1, U, Q], p
           return [I1, I2, U, Q], p