3.11 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python

import pyfits
import time, os
from numpy import array, float32

import re, sys, os.path as osp
from guidata.qt.compat import getsavefilename, getopenfilename, getopenfilenames
from guidata.qt.QtGui import QMessageBox

from guiqwt.config import _

def _add_all_supported_files(filters):
    extlist = re.findall(r'\*.[a-zA-Z0-9]*', filters)
    allfiles = '%s (%s)\n' % (_("All supported files"), ' '.join(extlist))
    return allfiles+filters

def exec_script_open_dialog(parent, basedir='', app_name=None):
    Executes an image*s* open dialog box (QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames)
        * parent: parent widget (None means no parent)
        * basedir: base directory ('' means current directory)
        * app_name (opt.): application name (used as a title for an eventual 
          error message box in case something goes wrong when saving image)
        * mapnum (opt): chooes the map number in the fitsfile
    Yields (filename, data) tuples if dialog is accepted, None otherwise

    IMAGE_LOAD_FILTERS = '%s (*.nod *.nod3)' % (_(u"NOD3Scripts"))
    SCRIPT_LOAD_FILTERS = _add_all_supported_files(IMAGE_LOAD_FILTERS)

    saved_in, saved_out, saved_err = sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr
    sys.stderr = None
    sys.stdout = None
    filenames, _filter = getopenfilenames(parent, _("Open"), basedir,
    sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr = saved_in, saved_out, saved_err
    filename = [str(fname) for fname in list(filenames)]
    return filename

def exec_script_save_dialog(parent, hlines, outdir='', app_name=None):
    Executes an image*s* open dialog box (QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames)
        * parent: parent widget (None means no parent)
        * outdir: base directory ('' means current directory)
        * app_name (opt.): application name (used as a title for an eventual 
          error message box in case something goes wrong when saving image)
        * mapnum (opt): chooes the map number in the fitsfile
    Yields (filename, data) tuples if dialog is accepted, None otherwise

    IMAGE_SAVE_FILTERS = '%s (*.nod *.nod3)' % (_(u"NOD3Scripts"))
    SCRIPT_SAVE_FILTERS = _add_all_supported_files(IMAGE_SAVE_FILTERS)

    saved_in, saved_out, saved_err = sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr
    sys.stdout = None
    filename, _filter = getsavefilename(parent, _("Save as"), outdir,
    sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr = saved_in, saved_out, saved_err
    if filename:
        filename = str(filename)
            fout = open(filename, "w")
            for h in hlines:
            return filename
        except Exception, msg:
            import traceback
                 _('Error') if app_name is None else app_name,
                 (_(u"%s could not be written:") % osp.basename(filename))+\